20/00136/FUL Erection of one dwelling (C3) with associated access and regrading of land. Field Adjacent To Woodlands View, Over Kellet.
20/00121/FUL Retrospective application for the retention of 5 silos. Lower Addington Farm, Birkland Barrow Road, Nether Kellet.
20/00002/REF Planning Appeal. Change of use of agricultural/equestrian workers dwelling (C3) to a children’s home for up to 3 children (C2). Blackthorne Cottage, Borwick Road, Capernwray.
20/0024/TPO T15 Alder & T17 Sycamore – Fell. Castle View Equestrian Centre, Borwick Road, Capernwray
20/0028/TPO T1 (Common Yew) – Crown reduce by 2m. Old Hall, Kirkby
Lonsdale Road, Over Kellet.
20/00214/FUL Erection of a single storey side extension and construction of a raised terrace. Clear Water Bistro And Bar, Clear Water Fisheries, Kellet Lane, Over Kellet.