Planning Posts

Planning applications, February 2020

20/00136/FUL  Erection of one dwelling (C3) with associated access and regrading of land. Field Adjacent To Woodlands View, Over Kellet.  20/00121/FUL  Retrospective application for the retention of 5 silos. Lower Addington Farm, Birkland Barrow Road, Nether Kellet. 20/00002/REF  Planning Appeal. Change of…

Planning applications, October 2019

19/01313/FUL   Erection of a single storey front extension, a single storey rear/side extension and a two storey side/front extension. 2 Kirklands Road, Over Kellet. 19/01257/AD Agricultural determination for the erection of a storage building. Green Pastures Capernwray Road, Capernwray. 19/01060/LB  Listed…