Lancaster City Council has launched a public consultation on a review of the recently adopted Local Plan to take account of the Climate Emergency which the Council declared earlier this year. Background to the Review View the leaflet issued by…
Planning applications, February 2020
20/00136/FUL Erection of one dwelling (C3) with associated access and regrading of land. Field Adjacent To Woodlands View, Over Kellet. 20/00121/FUL Retrospective application for the retention of 5 silos. Lower Addington Farm, Birkland Barrow Road, Nether Kellet. 20/00002/REF Planning Appeal. Change of…
Planning applications, January 2020
20/00069/FUL Erection of a field shelter, creation of an area of hardstanding and relocation of existing access. Land At Grid Reference E353625 N469588, Swarthdale Road, Over Kellet. 20/00019/FUL Erection of an agricultural building for free range hens with associated parking.…
Planning applications, December 2019
19/01575/FUL Erection of one dwelling (C3) with associated access and erection of a detached garage. Land At 2 Hall Garth Close, Capernwray Road, Over Kellet. 19/01571/VCN Demolition of existing dwelling (C3) and erection of a replacement dwelling (C3) (pursuant to the…
Planning applications, November 2019
19/01462/FUL Erection of a two storey detached dwelling (C3) with associated access and installation of a package treatment plant. Land Adjacent To The Willows, Moor Close Lane, Over Kellet. 19/01436/CU Change of use of land for the siting of 7 holiday…
Planning applications, October 2019
19/01313/FUL Erection of a single storey front extension, a single storey rear/side extension and a two storey side/front extension. 2 Kirklands Road, Over Kellet. 19/01257/AD Agricultural determination for the erection of a storage building. Green Pastures Capernwray Road, Capernwray. 19/01060/LB Listed…
Planning applications, September 2019
19/01206/PIP Permission in principle application for the erection of up to 9 dwellings. Land Off Nether Kellet Road, Over Kellet. 19/01170/FUL Change of use of agricultural land to agricultural livestock haulage depot, erection of an agricultural livestock and HGV maintenance building and…
Planning applications, August 2019
19/01034/CU Change of use of agricultural/equestrian workers dwelling (C3) to a children’s home for up to 3 children (C2). Blackthorne Cottage Borwick Road Capernwray Carnforth Lancashire LA6 1AQ 19/01018/LB Listed building application for re-slating of the roof, replacement of lead…
Planning applications, w/e 26th July 2019
19/00930/FUL – Demolition of existing dwelling (C3) and erection of a replacement dwelling (C3). West Penwyth, Kirkby Lonsdale Road, Over Kellet.
Planning applications, w/e 19th July 2019
19/00673/OUT Outline application for the erection of 4 dwellings (C3) and associated access. Land South East Of Craggs Hill, Over Kellet.