19/01206/PIP Permission in principle application for the erection of up to 9 dwellings. Land Off Nether Kellet Road, Over Kellet.
19/01170/FUL Change of use of agricultural land to agricultural livestock haulage depot, erection of an agricultural livestock and HGV maintenance building and retention of an area of hardstanding. Field At Grid Reference 351950 471570, Netherbeck, Carnforth, Lancashire
19/01153/FUL Creation of a new access, installation of a gate and construction of an area of hardstanding and a track. Field 4654, Kirkby Lonsdale Road, Over Kellet, Lancashire
19/01092/FUL Erection of an extension to existing agricultural building. Walling UK Group. Kirk House Farm, Main Road, Over Kellet Carnforth Lancashire LA6 1DX